We're working on some upgrades and new features to the site - so please pardon our dust!
1. Upgrade underlying operating system of web server for HTTPS. DONE.
2. HTTPS/Secure Access to the site and stream. DONE.
3. Upgrades to streaming relay server to allow scanner call info into new web player. DONE.
4. Upgrades/New Code for web player with scanner metadata. DONE.
5. Fix code in MP3 routine for Archives, since developer stopped that project a decade ago. DONE.
6. Remove old/outdated modules and code from website. NEARLY COMPLETE.
7. Upgrade backend website engine.
8. Current Conditions from Weather Station.
9. MPSCS Feed via SDR.
10. Trunking Feed via PSR.
11. Analog Feed via Uniden Bearcat.